Friday, August 22, 2008

A quick update

Hello everyone!

It's been busy around here. I've been trying to build my insurance business and it has become a slow, painful process. The economy makes it more difficult for some people justifying adding costs to their monthly budgets. And if you haven't paid for health insurance for awhile, it makes it more challenging. I keep plugging away, though.

My best friend and his daughter visited us last weekend, which was unexpected but still a wonderful experience all in all. There are too few occasions we have to just hang out and enjoy each others company. This is one of the few regrets I have in moving to Northern California - those that I consider to be my close friends are all in Southern California. Will we move back down there? Probably not. As much as I miss Orange County, I can't imagine living there again.

So, what else I have I been up to? I got my first kill in YarnSmackDown. I have a pair of socks that I need to finish, but I'm not as motivated as I have been in the past. I have been spending more time developing knitting patterns. I love the creative outlet, and I have been working on putting some of my hat patterns to paper. I should have a set of 4 ready for next week. Two of the patterns are those that I have used for charity knitting in the past and I'm using Rowan Felted Tweed, which makes a great warm, lightweight hat. When they're ready, I will post it on the website and provide a link.

Tonight I am heading back to the OC for a small scale 25 year high school reunion. I probably wouldn't be going if it were not for my friend Chris (the same one who was here last weekend). He wants to go, but doesn't want to go alone. The things to we for those we love. Of those that have RSVP'd, I remember 2. It should be interesting. I wonder if they will remember me?

That's it for now. I'm hoping to get back on track with regular blogging, because I am finding that I miss it. But there are only so many hours a day and the Olympics have been on, so there you have it.

Wasn't Michael Phelps amazing?!?! We've also been watching things like handball and table tennis. I usually like watching gymnastics, but have been disappointed by some of the judging and the rule bending done by China when it comes to the ages of a couple of their female gymnasts. It's been amazing to see a different side of China, and I do hope that I can visit there someday, as their culture and history are very interesting. Oh hell, I just want to travel. Anyone want to give me a couple tickets to anywhere?

See you soon!

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