Monday, May 07, 2007

Opal in Garter Rib

I don't remember exactly when I bought this yarn, but it's been a long time. Well, long enough. Maybe 3 years? In any case, I have been wanting to knit a pair of socks using the book Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch. Not only was I very successful- these fit like a dream - but they were quick. I started these on 4/29/07 and finished them on 5/3/07.

My husband was going to have an out patient procedure on the 30th, so I was able to work on these while listening to my iPod in the waiting area. Lime N Violet, Brenda Dayne and the boys at Mice Cast kept me company for part of the time. I am sure there were some people that thought I was a little nutty since I couldn't help but laugh out loud a few times.

I finished the first sock in less than 24 hours. The second sock took an additional 3 days! I used Opal, in the color Mosiak. I wish they had pooled differently, but you can't have everything.

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